Happy International Workers’ Day ??? 1 MAy 2023

Let’s take a moment to honor and appreciate the hardworking people who contribute to our community. 

Let’s strive to ensure that every worker is respected, valued and has access to their basic rights

Dr. Farsad(wang-lun)
Mr. Ajlan Yasar
Dr. Farsad(wang-lun)
Miss .Ekaterina Kiranova
Miss .Ekaterina Kiranova

Miss Ekaterina Kiranova

General manager and senior investor advisor this company Miss Ekaterina Kiranova is the ambassador and coordinator of all the executive duties of 54 African countries in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in New York, as well as the economic advisor for Oceania to Dr. Farsad.

Dear Dr. Wang Lun (Farsad)

Investment and Executive Manager

Plainview International Education Technology Company

 In April 2021, he was appointed by the African Development Association (ADA) as the main representative and board member of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) at the United Nations in New York.

I, Dr. Wang Lun (Farsad), I swear to be committed to the African Development Association as well as to the hardworking people of the African continent. I am determined and determined to work to alleviate the suffering of the noble people of Africa, especially in terms of health, working conditions, insurance, food, clothing needs, education and agriculture. As my top priority, I am committed to defending the rights of Africans at the United Nations, and I will do my utmost to reduce the social and economic harm to the African people in collaboration with the President of the African Development Association, Mr. Yufeni. Kevin Nguyen and his team at ECOSOC. Below are some specific areas that I intend to address once I take responsibility as a representative hereUnited Nations in Ney York.

1- Agricultural development.

2- Youth employment in production and development sectors.

  1. Road construction and maintenance of roads in different regions of the country.
  2. Housing for the poor.

5- Eliminating the shortage of drinking / sanitary water.

6- Construction and development of power plant.

  1. Address petrochemical needs / issues.

8- Establishment of specialized hospitals, provision of equipment and medicine to address the health issues of vulnerable people.

9- Procurement of ultra-modern medical equipment.

  1. Integration of mines and metals.

11- Develop a humanitarian aid program for orphans, orphans and vulnerable families.

12-Development of youth and women’s sports in different sectors.


I am confident that I will achieve all these goals in coordination with the African Development Association, community leaders and national authorities.

Thank you.

Dr. Wang Lun (Farsad)

The main representative of African  the people of and the African Development Association (A.D.A) at the UN Economic and Social Council ECOSOC in New York

(Investment and Executive Manager)

Plainview (Beijing) International Technology Training Company)

Meeting of Dr. Wang Lun Farsad Leading representative of 54 African countries

Date 07-07-2021 Very intimate meeting of Dr. Wang Lun Farsad Leading representative of 54 African countries from the A.D.A. African Development Association and the United Nations Economic and Social Council Investor and executive management of his plan company China with Ambassador of the Republic (Mali) Mr. Dianguina ditYaya DOUCOURE was held at the Financial Embassy in Tehran, Iran During this meeting, the parties reached these conclusions In the field of agriculture – health – Roads and transportation – power plant – water and sewage – Industries – and housing and urban development And in the Humanitarian Aid section There was a discussion and exchange of views And hopefully in the coming days Start the executive operation and start And for economic prosperity and youth employment – humanitarian aids 200 Benz ambulances 1000 trucks and trailers Clothing And mosquito nets Water purifiers And water coolers And 54,000 thousand mini chassis cars For the city taxi fleet tractor It is on the way to African countries In the investment sector Housing – Agriculture = Gold Mines = Roads and Transportation = Power Plant that gives the investor up to 2500 MB for the people of the financial country that the cost and income from this power plant is donated to the poor and needy people of Africa = in the school and university sector In the health sector = and agriculture and = air navies = And rescue helicopters wishing to solve the problems of the oppressed and hardworking people of the Republic of Mali

Dr.wang lun-Mr. Dianguina
Dr.wang lun_Mr. Dianguina
Dr.wang lun-Mr Dianguina

Humanitarian aid to the people of Africa on June 5, 2021

Visit of Dr. Van Lun, Chief Representative of the African Continental Development Association and the United Nations Economic and Social Council, on 5 June 2021, from the exclusive representative for the production of Benz ambulances in Turkey, to provide humanitarian assistance to African countries.

china flag
Africa flag
turkey flag

Theme: UN peace concert and the conclusion of UN Sister Cities

In order to actively respond to the circular development of China and abroad, and unite China and foreign countries to cultural exchange. During the period from March 28 to 31, 2021, the United Nations Network Group held an online “United Nations Peace Concert and Concluded United Nations Sister Cities”. We believe that as long as we work together, get together, have the power of love, and work together, we will be able to resolve all disasters as soon as possible. The radiant space revitalizes, the world economy and promotes excellent music, dance, agriculture, trade, health, branding, traditional Chinese medicine, film and television, cultural tourism, finance, investment industry, green ecology, climate change, and environmental protection between China and the United States and Africa. To achieve the establishment of digital smart sister cities and other major areas of development and friendly cooperation.

UN member countries and music artists are invited to participate in the event. Together, we will face unprecedented global disasters and challenges in the post-epidemic era, and use pure and kind love to light up the hope of thousands of families in the world. We believe that through joint efforts and dedication, we will empower the most vulnerable people, help developing countries, women and disadvantaged groups, public health and education. Believe that only the life of one’s own struggle can be called a happy life. Create the glory of life and build world peace.

Theme: United Nations Peace Concert and the establishment of a sister city to the United Nations

Time: March 28 to 31, 2021

Address: United Nations

Guiding units: the United Nations, the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone to the United Nations, and the Permanent Mission of Guinea-Bissau to the United Nations

为积极响应中国内外循环发展,与联合国外循环文化交流。于2021年3 月28日至31日期间,联合国网合集团举办线上“联合国和平音乐会暨缔结联合国友好姐妹城市”。相信只要共同努力,团结在一起,拥有爱的力量,同心协力,定能尽快化解结束一切灾难。绽放光芒的空间振兴世界经济,促进中美经贸与非洲之间优秀音乐、舞蹈、农业、贸易、健康、品牌、中医药、影视、文旅、金融、投资产业、绿色生态、气候变化、环境保护,实现缔结数字智慧型姐妹城市等各大领域发展与友好合作。

本次活动邀请联合国会员国和音乐艺术家一同参与,共襄盛举。共同面对全球前所未有的灾难,与后疫情时代的挑战,用纯洁善良的爱,点亮世界万家灯火的希望。相信通过共同努力与奋献,赋予帮助最脆弱的人,帮助发展中国家、妇女与弱势群体、公共卫生健康以及教育事业。相信只有自己奋斗的人生,才称得上幸福快乐的人生。创生命荣耀,筑世界 和平。






Presence of DR. WANG LUN ( FARSAD ) , investor and executive director of the company. At HSBC Bank on September 22, 2019 in Hong Kong and China


Presence of DR. WANG LUN ( FARSAD ) , investor and executive director of the company. At HSBC Bank on September 22, 2019 in Hong Kong and China

Mr. Zhang Heng, CEO of Plavin International Group, was invited by the Chairman of the Human Health Organization as the Vice Chairman of the Human Health Organization

At the beginning of 2018, Mr. Zhang Heng, CEO of Plainview International Group, met Ms. Su Lin, Chairman of the Human Health Organization. Mr. Zhang Heng and Ms. Su Lin had a three-month communication and exchanges on human health and sustainable human settlements. Global partnerships, the balanced development of global regional economies, the development of human health organizations and human health organizations, and the preparation and establishment of the World Leaders Federation of Human Health Organizations have conducted in-depth and extensive discussions and exchanges.

At the invitation of Ms. Su Lin, the chairperson of the Human Health Organization, he became the Vice President of the Human Health Organization in May 2018. Started preparations in China, planning for the 2018 United Nations Chinese Food Festival.

The Human Health Organization (HHO in abbreviated form) is a non-governmental organization, non-profit organization headquartered in the United States, and its members and collaborators are all over the world.

The Human Health Organization was initiated and promoted by the well-known Chinese educator Ms. Su Lin, and co-founded by leaders of multiple disciplines. They are outstanding health professors, scientists and doctors, successful business people and civil society activists, and their common goals It is to solve the global challenge of human health.

Based on the principles of active health, habituation and traditional medicine, the Human Health Organization advocates health education and academic research, develops a healthy culture, promotes good nutrition, healthy products and lifestyles, and promotes the development of healthy and sustainable human settlements.

In the context of the goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Human Health Organizations, together with scientific communities, civil society, enterprises and governments, and international and regional organizations, have achieved results in specific areas.

Let health and well-being be with everyone on the planet, and let a healthier and brighter future be with mankind.

The history of Plainview group can be traced back to 1993. Beijing European and American student Consultation Center (1993 -) and international education research center of European and American Students Association International Education Center (1996) – Plainview(普涞文) (Beijing) International Education Technology Co., Ltd. (2009) – Plainview(普莱文) (Beijing) International Education Technology Co., Ltd. (2014) – see: plaintext_ 360 Encyclopedia https://baike.so.com/doc/8054521-8371502.html

In the past 20 years, CEO Zhang Heng and his management team have gained valuable experience in the purchase, design, development and sales of commercial and residential complexes in China. In April 2019, Zhang Heng  founded Plainview (Beijing) International Education Technology Co., Ltd. Plainview (Beijing) International Education Technology Co., Ltd. is a company that provides project-related services, including management, consulting and financing, especially for government infrastructure and commercial projects. Headquartered in Beijing, China, it has board members, employees and representatives from Europe, China, Asia and the Middle East.

Plainview (Beijing) International Education Technology Co., Ltd. has a wide range of business, has banking and financial transaction experience, and has a series of expertise in the following areas to provide consulting services for the government and the United Nations to help people in need in the world, companies And private applicants.

Our services are applicable to various land-based government infrastructure projects in mountainous areas, including ports, airports, railways (monorail and subway), flyovers, roads and tunnels, sewage and water supply management, power projects, oil refineries, and oil and gas pipelines Wait.

Our goal is to promote the initiation of infrastructure projects and work, complete cooperation with local communities and local companies to improve the living standards of those around them.

We are preparing for the establishment of a world-class large-scale public welfare organization and foundation: Blue Planet charity organization, blue star foundation

We will contribute the rest of our lives to the harmonious development of the earth, the balanced development of all countries in the world, the peace of the world and the people in need of help from all over the world.









 普莱文集团的历史可以追溯到1993年。北京欧美学生咨询中心(1993-)和欧美学生协会国际教育研究中心国际教育中心(1996)– Plainview(普涞文)(北京) 国际教育技术有限公司(2009)– Plainview(普莱文)(北京)国际教育技术有限公司(2014)-参见:plaintext_ 360百科全书https://baike.so.com/doc/ 8054521-8371502.html 

在过去的20年中,首席执行官张恒和他的管理团队在购买,设计,开发和销售方面获得了宝贵的经验中国的商业和住宅综合体。 2019年4月,张恒兴创立了普莱文(北京)国际教育技术有限公司。普莱文(北京)国际教育技术有限公司是一家公司提供与项目相关的服务,包括管理,咨询和融资,特别是对于政府基础设施和商业项目。总部位于中国北京,并拥有董事会成员,员工和欧洲,中国,亚洲和中东的代表。






china flag

The 2018 Chinese Food Festival was held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, USA.
It was decided that HHO will supply food to the needy people of the world by 2025 in coordination with the United Nations.

2018 UN China Food Festival opens at UN headquarters in New York

On November 6, 2018, Beijing time (November 5, New York time, USA), the “2018 Chinese food festival” sponsored by human health organization and jointly sponsored by China Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Grape Industry Development Bureau and other institutions, opened in the representative restaurant of the United Nations headquarters in New York.

The Chinese food festival of the United Nations is overall planned by Ms. Su Lin, Chairman of the human health organization; Mr. Zhang Heng, vice chairman of human health organization and CEO of Plainview education group, carefully conceived and coordinated with various parties in China; New York team of Human Health Organization: Vice President of the 63rd UN General Assembly / Executive Chairman of the 2018 Chinese food festival of the United Nations / Consultant of human health organizations, Alexandru Kuiba H.E. cujba, CO chair of 2018 China Food Festival / Executive Vice President of human health organization Stan.Bian Mr.

The United Nations Food Festival in China has won the UN Environment Program, UN Habitat, the World Health Organization, the Secretariat of the United Nations General Assembly, the missions of 193 Member States to the United Nations, the Chinese Embassy in the United States, the Chinese Consulate in New York, the government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the China Hotel Association, the office of China food safety and health promotion project, and Beijing Tianjin Hebei rice It was successfully held with the support of the alliance of stores, old Beijing fried noodles, daoxiangcun group, juchunyuan, Jinyuan Hotel, Beijing Yuyan Catering Management Co., Ltd., Ningde Huandao Hotel, Longzhou Hotel, Shanghai Huakai Fugui Hotel, Fuqing Kairui Hotel, Hunan Xiangyang restaurant and other institutions.

The five-day Food Festival is mainly aimed at UN officials, representatives of various countries to the UN and other people, and promotes Chinese food culture in various forms such as opening reception, high-end luncheon and food week.


Wang Xiangyun, President of the bird insect Seal Art Research Institute, dedicated to this feast with the traditional Chinese cultural treasures and the bird worm seal script of the ancestor of Chinese characters: the United Nations Chinese food festival.

At the opening ceremony, the guests tasted a variety of traditional Chinese snacks, such as the royal family door nail meat cake, dried beef, cherry balls, coconut glutinous rice balls and so on. “We will also show ‘Beijing flavor’ such as dry fried meatballs, Crispy Shrimp and mustard mound.” Wang Xinwei, chief chef of Beijing Dayali catering Co., Ltd., Cheng Lechang, and Liu Shengjie, inheritor of mending meat pie, said that this is their first time to come to the United Nations headquarters. With him, there are seven chefs who will show you the traditional Chinese court cuisine culture in an all-round way.

Cao Kailong, director of Ningxia grape industry development bureau, said that Ningxia Helan east foot region is the first real winery wine producing area in China. More than 500 wines from more than 40 wineries have won awards in international competitions, becoming Ningxia’s unique “Purple card”.


“Being able to display and introduce the wine in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia at the UN headquarters is an important opportunity to show Ningxia’s image with wine as the medium, further enhance the exchange and cooperation between Ningxia and the world, and also an important opportunity to further enhance the influence of Ningxia Helan Mountain wine brand and open up a broader global market.” Cao Kailong said.

In an interview with reporters, the ambassadors to the United Nations who attended the opening reception said that it is very meaningful to hold such activities in the United Nations. On the one hand, it gives people the opportunity to learn about China’s local culture and taste Chinese food. On the other hand, it also provides more opportunities for these food and wine brands from China to enter the international market



本届联合国中国美食节由人类健康组织主席苏琳女士总体策划、人类健康组织副主席普莱文教育集团CEO张恒先生细致构思和与中国国内多方协调,人类健康组织纽约团队:第六十三届联合国大会副主席/2018联合国中国美食节执行主席/人类健康组织顾问亚历山大·库伊巴Alexandru Cujba阁下、2018联合国中国美食节联席主席/人类健康组织执行副主席Stan.Bian先生等具体实施。
鸟虫篆艺术研究院院长王祥云特意为本次盛宴用中国传统古文化瑰宝、中国文字先祖的鸟虫篆献墨宝:联合国中国美食节 。

High end luncheon of 2018 United Nations China Food Festival and Ningxia wine into the UN Ambassador forum pushed the food festival to a new height

On November 8, 2018, Beijing time (November 7, New York time, USA), sponsored by human health organization and jointly sponsored by Grape Industry Development Bureau of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, the “2018 Chinese food festival” is unprecedented. The high-end luncheon on November 7 and the ambassador forum for Ningxia wine into the United Nations activities pushed the food festival to a new height.

During the food festival, Alexandru, vice president of the 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly and executive chairman of the 2018 China Food Festival, was held at the high-end luncheon held by the United Nations headquarters and the ambassador forum for wine walking into the United Nations at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia Cao Cao, Ambassador and senior diplomat of more than 20 countries, including cujba, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Macedonian, Moldova, Tajikistan, Paraguay, Georgia, Hungary, Ukraine, current and former officials of the United Nations and regional intergovernmental organizations, representatives of the human health organization, and representatives of the co organizers of the food festival, Cao Cao, director of the Ningxia grape industry development bureau Kailong, Liu Changqing, Deputy Secretary General of Ningxia people’s government, and Lin Zhifan, President of Asian sommeliers Association, attended the high-end luncheon.

Mar í a Fernanda Espinosa, President of the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, attended the scene (photo 1)

Mar í a Fernanda Espinosa, President of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly, came to the eastern foot of Helan, Ningxia, where wine entered the United Nations activities. She learned about the development of wine industry in Ningxia and exchanged views with winemakers in Ningxia. After tasting Ningxia wine, President Espinosa said: “I am attracted by the aroma of Ningxia wine, I like Ningxia wine very much. I visited China in August this year, but I don’t know Ningxia. In recent days, Ningxia wine has received a great response in the United Nations headquarters. I also felt this in my tasting just now. I think Ningxia must be a very magical place, and I hope to have a chance to taste more grape wine in Ningxia At the invitation of the person in charge of Ningxia wine industry, President Espinosa readily promised to visit the wine producing area at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia at an appropriate time.

An official of the embassy to the United Nations tasted Ningxia wine at the “2018 Chinese food festival”. Photo by Muzi Li, Xinhua News Agency (photo 2)

At the ambassadors’ forum, the human health organization (HHO) reiterated and emphasized its organizational attributes and objectives: human health organization is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization, and its goal is to be within the organizational structure of the United Nations, We should cooperate with the United Nations and other governments to better achieve the goals of sustainable development; further rely on the United Nations, take human health organizations as the platform, and take global health as the strategic guidance, popularize health education, spread health culture, advocate healthy lifestyle, and promote health products, so that health can accompany everyone on earth, Let mankind have a healthy and bright future.

The human health organization said that Ningxia’s entry into the United Nations is only a beginning. It will cooperate with Chinese food brands under the background of China’s globalization to actively respond to the strategy of going out, make use of the advantages of human health organizations, assist the Chinese government and local governments to show their national and regional characteristics of food charm to the world, and help to tell Chinese stories, local stories and Brand story.

Food and Ningxia wine on “2018 China Food Festival”. Photo by Muzi Li, Xinhua News Agency (Photo 3)

During the interaction, the ambassador quipped, “the first wine in the world was identified by the scientific community of the United States and France as having come from Georgia 8500 years ago. The wine industry in emerging countries is booming. Although it brings fierce competition, it also shows that it is a new stage in the development of grape industry. The development of various industries follows this law. We should strengthen cooperation and common development.

Officials of foreign missions to the United Nations taste palace dishes, meat patties and Ningxia specialties. (Fig. 4)

The ambassador commented that “the scale and quality of Ningxia grape industry are admired by the whole world; in recent years, the rise of Chinese consumer class has brought a lot of vitality to the world wine industry, and the development of Ningxia’s own production areas has catered to this trend.”.

At the ambassadors’ forum, the ambassadors of many countries to the United Nations said that after understanding the development of Ningxia wine industry, watching the propaganda film of Ningxia’s eastern Helan Mountain, appreciating Ningxia’s wine and taking a group photo, President Kuiba said: “I have been to Ningxia, China, and I am very shocked. Ningxia has made great achievements in the agricultural field, especially grape planting and wine. In recent years, through the development of wine industry in Ningxia, people advocate healthy life. 120000 farmers are engaged in this industry, making the past 40000 hectares of Gobi Desert become today’s green. The ambassadors unanimously proposed to the United Nations General Assembly that “wine day” should be set up in the United Nations.


美食节期间,在联合国总部举办的高端午餐会暨宁夏贺兰山东麓葡萄酒走进联合国活动大使论坛上,第六十三届联合国大会副主席、2018联合国中国美食节执行主席亚历山大· 库吉巴Alexandru Cujba、阿塞拜疆、白俄罗斯、马其顿、摩尔多瓦、塔吉克斯坦、巴拉圭、格鲁吉亚、匈牙利、乌克兰等20多国的大使、高级外交官、现任和前任的联合国和区域政府间组织的官员、美食节主办方人类健康组织代表、及美食节联合主办方代表宁夏葡萄产业发展局局长曹凯龙、宁夏人民政府副秘书长刘长青、亚洲侍酒师协会会长林志凡等出席了高端午餐会。

第73届联合国大会主席玛丽亚·费尔南达·埃斯皮诺萨María Fernanda Espinosa莅临现场(图一)

第73届联合国大会主席玛丽亚·费尔南达·埃斯皮诺萨María Fernanda Espinosa来到宁夏贺兰山东麓葡萄酒走进联合国活动现场,了解了中国宁夏葡萄酒产业发展情况,并与宁夏各酒庄庄主进行了交流。在品鉴了宁夏葡萄酒后,埃斯皮诺萨主席说:“我是被宁夏葡萄酒的香气吸引过来的,我非常喜欢宁夏葡萄酒。我今年8月份访问过中国,但不了解宁夏。这几天,宁夏葡萄酒在联合国总部的反响很大,我刚才的品鉴也感受到了这一点。我觉得宁夏一定是一个非常神奇的地方,希望有机会到宁夏品尝更多的葡萄美酒。”在宁夏葡萄酒产业负责人的邀请下,埃斯皮诺萨主席欣然答应将在适当时候访问宁夏贺兰山东麓葡萄酒产区。


     在大使论坛上,人类健康组织重申和强调了其组织属性和组织目标:人类健康组织是国际非政府非营利组织,其目标是在联合国的组织架构内, 配合联合国及各国政府更好地完成可持续发展等目标;进一步以联合国为依托,以人类健康组织为平台,以全球健康为战略指导,在世界范围内普及健康教育,传播健康文化, 倡导健康生活方式,推广健康产品,让健康陪伴着地球上的每一个人, 让人类有一个健康光明的未来。





在大使论坛上多国驻联合国大使表示,在了解了宁夏葡萄酒产业发展情况,观看了宁夏贺兰山东麓产区宣传片,品鉴了宁夏葡萄酒并合影后,库伊巴主席说:“我曾经去过中国宁夏,我感到十分震惊,宁夏在农业领域尤其是葡萄种植和葡萄酒方面硕果累累。近年来,宁夏通过发展葡萄酒产业,推动人们崇尚健康生活,12万农民从事这一产业,使过去4万公顷的戈壁荒滩变成今日的满眼绿色。与会大使一致提出,将向联合国大会提议,在联合国设立 “葡萄酒日”。

2018 UN China Food Festival successfully concluded at UN headquarters

Beijing time on November 10, 2018 (New York time, November 9, USA), the “2018 United Nations Chinese food festival” jointly sponsored by human health organization and China Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Grape Industry Development Bureau ended successfully in the representative restaurant of the United Nations headquarters in New York.

United Nations representative restaurant director Rudy lasher and the chef team of this food festival raise a glass to celebrate the successful conclusion of the food festival

During the closing ceremony, Su Lin, President of human health organization, sent a letter of thanks: on behalf of all the people from all walks of life who have made great efforts for this food festival, I wish to congratulate the successful conclusion of the 2018 United Nations Chinese food festival. First of all, we would like to thank the United Nations Secretariat, the government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, 193 foreign missions to the United Nations, the Chinese Embassy in the United States and the Consulate in New York. Without their support, this food festival could not have been held so smoothly and successfully. Secondly, we would like to thank the co sponsor Ningxia grape Without their hard work and dedication, the industry development bureau, many wineries in Ningxia, the chefs team in Ningxia, and the chef team of Beijing court cuisine, it would be impossible for this food festival to display the Chinese food culture, traditional palace cuisine, Ningxia characteristic delicacies, Ningxia wine and China’s beautiful life in 193 national representatives so fully and perfectly. Thirdly, we should feel that Thanks for the behind the scenes support from China food safety and health promotion project office, Beijing Tianjin Hebei Hotel Alliance, old Beijing fried sauce noodles, daoxiangcun group, juchunyuan, Jinyuan Hotel, Beijing Yuyan Catering Management Co., Ltd., Ningde Huandao Hotel, Longzhou Hotel, Shanghai Huakai Fugui Hotel, Fuqing Kairui Hotel, Hunan Xiangyang Restaurant and other institutions and relevant personnel. Finally, we would like to express our special thanks to the project manager of the Organizing Committee of the Brussels International Wine Grand Prix, the wine Promotion Ambassador of Ningxia Helan Mountain, Mr. Zhang Heng, vice president of human health organization, and Alexandru, executive chairman of this food festival Ambassador cujba, they went to Ningxia, Beijing and New York to inspect the development of Ningxia grape industry and many wineries in Ningxia. Finally, they decided that Ningxia grape industry development bureau would become the only joint organizer of the 2018 United Nations Chinese food festival in China.

20 ambassadors and senior diplomats taste Ningxia wine

The week-long UN China Food Festival is divided into an opening cocktail party, a high-end lunch party, a food week and a closing commendation meeting. 300 distinguished guests attended the opening ceremony. During the festival, thousands of UN officials, celebrities, celebrities and New Yorkers enjoyed traditional Chinese music, authentic court cuisine from China, Ningxia cuisine and Ningxia fine wine. The guests included senior officials from the United Nations system and relevant international organizations, ambassadors or diplomats from more than 30 countries and representatives of business executives and celebrities.

Maria Fernanda Espinosa, President of the 73rd UN General Assembly, attended the UN China Food Festival. She learned about the development of wine industry in Ningxia and exchanged views with winery owners in Ningxia. President Espinosa said that she would visit the wine producing area in the eastern foot of Helan Mountain in Ningxia at an appropriate time .



联合国代表餐厅主任Rudy Lasher与本届美食节厨师团队举杯庆祝美食节圆满结束

闭幕式期间,人类健康组织主席苏琳发来致谢函:我代表所有为本届美食节付出努力的各国各界人士,祝贺2018联合国中国美食节圆满落下帷幕。本届美食节能够顺利召开、圆满落幕,首先我们要感谢联合国秘书处、宁夏回族自治区政府、193个国家驻联合国使团、中国驻美国大使馆和纽约领事馆,没有他们的支持本次美食节就不可能进行得如此顺利和举办得如此圆满;其次,我们要感谢联合主办方宁夏葡萄产业发展局、宁夏众多酒庄、宁夏厨师团队、北京宫廷菜系厨师团队,没有他们的辛勤劳动和付出,本届美食节就不可能将中国的美食文化、传统的宫廷佳肴、宁夏特色美味、宁夏的美酒、中国的美丽生活在193个国家代表中展现的如此充分和美满;再次,我们要感谢中国食品安全健康促进工程办公室、京津冀饭店联盟、老北京炸酱面、稻香村集团、聚春园、金源大饭店、北京玉宴餐饮管理有限公司、宁德市环岛大酒店、龙舟大酒店、上海花开富贵大酒店、福清凯瑞大酒店、湖南襄阳酒楼等机构及其相关人员的幕后支持。最后我们要特别感谢布鲁塞尔国际葡萄酒大奖赛组委会项目经理、宁夏贺兰山东麓葡萄酒推广大使赵静女士、人类健康组织副主席张恒先生和本届美食节执行主席Alexandru Cujba大使阁下,他们不辞辛苦,奔波于宁夏、北京与纽约之间,考察宁夏葡萄产业的发展、考察宁夏的众多酒庄,最终确定宁夏葡萄产业发展局成为2018 联合国中国美食节的中国唯一联合主办方。





演员胡安·卡洛斯·埃斯皮诺萨(Juan Carlos Espinosa)评论道:“这是一次不可思议的经历,可以体验宁夏的文化、美食和美酒。我对葡萄酒的丰富和丰富印象深刻。”






Mr. Zhang Heng, vice chairman of human health organization and CEO of Plainview International Group, was invited to attend the Forum on agricultural and rural development strategy for the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up and the founding meeting of the agricultural and rural strategy Professional Committee of China Development Strategy Research Association

On December 15, 2018, Mr. Zhang Heng, vice chairman of human health organization and CEO of Plainview International Group, was invited to attend the Forum on agricultural and rural development strategy for the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening up held at the academic conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing and the founding meeting of the agricultural and rural strategy Professional Committee of the China Development Strategy Research Association.

The forum was presided over by Huo Guoqing, vice president of China Society for strategic development, Mei xurong, Vice President / Secretary of the Party group of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Wu Wenliang, Dean of the school of resources and environment, China Agricultural University. Leaders in charge of the national industry, famous experts and professors, and representatives of well-known enterprises in the industry gathered together to discuss “the glorious course and basic experience of China’s rural reform”, and further explore the opportunities and future development of China’s “three rural” issues. At the meeting, Guo Shutian, former director of the Department of policies and regulations of the Ministry of agriculture, made a special report entitled review of the 40th anniversary of rural reform. Zhang Xiaoshan, member of the Rural Committee of the National People’s Congress, made a special report on Rural Revitalization from the perspective of development strategy; Li Sijing, Secretary of the Party committee of the Institute of agricultural economics of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Zhong Yu, a researcher, released an academic research report: grain development and politics in the past 40 years of reform and opening up Miao Kui, vice chairman of Liaoning provincial Party committee and member of Liaoning CPPCC, reported the strategic exploration of Panjin’s great changes in 40 years: reform and opening up promote the prosperity of Panjin’s rural areas, and lead the rural future.

The Congress announced the establishment of the agricultural and rural strategy Professional Committee of China Development Strategy Research Association, and elected the leading group of the agricultural and rural strategy Professional Committee.


Mei xurong, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and member of the leading Party group;

Deputy director:

Tang Zhong (Dean, School of agriculture and rural development, Renmin University of China)

Li Sijing (secretary of the Party committee of the Institute of agricultural economic development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, executive director and Deputy Secretary General of the science and technology information society of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences)

Hu Chunsheng, deputy director of Institute of genetics and developmental biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, director of Agricultural Resources Research Center

Du Zhixiong (secretary of the Party committee and deputy director of the Institute of financial strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Wu Wenliang (Dean of School of resources and environment, director of Department of ecology and environmental science, Department of ecology and ecological engineering, China Agricultural University)

Nie Fengying (deputy director of Institute of agricultural information, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, deputy director of Overseas Agricultural Research Center)

Tang Jin (inspector of central editorial office, editor and reviewer of China institutional reform magazine, director of General Department of former central editorial office)

Song Chengmin (Professor, editor, current research fellow and director general of the national development and Reform Commission)

Qiang Zhen (deputy director, research fellow, Planning Institute, China Institute of land and resources economics, Ministry of natural resources)

Li Jianjun, director of development management department, School of Humanities and development, China Agricultural University

Deputy director and Secretary General:

Zhang Gen (member of the 4th Council of China Development Strategy Research Association and deputy director of science and technology evaluation Working Committee)


Since its establishment, human health organizations have been concerned about human health, food health, the development of rural agriculture in China and the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in China. The purpose of human health organization is to make everyone living on the earth healthy. Its goal is to cooperate with the United Nations and governments to better achieve the goals of sustainable development within the organizational structure of the United Nations; to further popularize health education and spread health culture around the world, relying on the United Nations, taking human health organizations as the platform, and taking global health as the strategic guidance, Advocate healthy lifestyle, promote health products, let health accompany everyone on earth, let human have a healthy and bright future. Mr. Zhang Heng, vice chairman of human health organization, attended the grand meeting as a special guest, witnessing the establishment of agricultural and rural strategy Professional Committee of China Development Strategy Research Association.


本届论坛大会由中国战略发展学研究会副理事长霍国庆秘书长、中国农科院副院长/党组书记梅旭荣、中国农业大学资源与环境学院院长吴文良等主持。国家行业主管领导、国内著名专家教授、业内知名企业代表等济济一堂,共同会商“我国农村改革的光辉历程与基本经验”,以及进一步探讨目前我国“三农”问题面临的机遇和未来的发展等重大课题。大会上原农业部政策法规司司长郭书田郭老做了题为农村改革四十周年回顾的专题报告,全国人大农村委员会委员张晓山专题报告为:从发展战略角度谈乡村振兴;中国农科院农经所党委书记李思经和研究员钟钰发布了学术研究报告:改革开放四十年粮食发展与政策分析;民革辽宁省委副主席、辽宁政协委员苗魁汇报了盘锦40年沧桑巨变的战略探索:改革开放推动盘锦繁荣 乡村振兴引领农村未来。
人类健康组织自成立以来一直关注人类的健康、食品的健康和中国农村农业的发展以及中国的三农问题。人类健康组织的宗旨:让每一个生活在地球上的人都健康。其目标是在联合国的组织架构内, 配合联合国及各国政府更好地完成可持续发展等目标;进一步以联合国为依托,以人类健康组织为平台,以全球健康为战略指导,在世界范围内普及健康教育,传播健康文化, 倡导健康生活方式,推广健康产品,让健康陪伴着地球上的每一个人, 让人类有一个健康光明的未来。人类健康组织副主席张恒先生作为特邀嘉宾出席了本次盛会,见证了中国发展战略学研究会农业农村战略专业委员会的成立。

Mr. Zhang Heng, Vice Chairman of Human Health Organization and CEO of Pleven International Group, was invited to participate in the 40th Anniversary Forum of Reform and Opening-up with the theme of “Insist on Reform and Opening-up and Achieve Great Renaissance”

On December 22, 2018, Zhang Heng, vice chairman of the Human Health Organization and CEO of Plavin International Group, was invited to participate in the 40th anniversary forum of reform and opening up at the academic conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.

The forum was co-sponsored by the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Development Strategy Research, and hosted by Zhang Feng, Vice President of the Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Huo Guoqing, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Chinese Academy of Development Strategy. Leaders from the Central Party School, Ministry of Science and Technology, National Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Academy of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University, Public Security University, famous domestic experts and professors, and representatives of well-known enterprises gathered together. The forum was reformed and opened. With the theme of great change, reform and opening up, and great revival, the keynote speech leaders reviewed China’s four decades of development from the perspectives of China’s technological innovation and development, the reform of the national management system, the reform of state-owned enterprises, environmental protection, agricultural technology and rural reform, and the development of Chinese communities. Development and prospects for China’s future development.

Statistics show that China’s total R&D investment has grown rapidly, maintaining an average annual growth rate of 19% for more than 20 consecutive years, and the growth rate of R&D expenditure has continued to be higher than the growth rate of GDP. At the same time, China’s R&D investment has been transformed from government investment to enterprise investment, forming a stable and diversified R&D investment mechanism, and enterprises have become the main body of R&D investment.

It is worth mentioning that in the past 10 years, my country’s total investment in basic research has grown rapidly at an average annual rate of nearly 15%, from 15.58 billion yuan in 2006 to 82.29 billion yuan in 2016. The rapid increase in funding has made China The overall level of basic scientific research and international influence have increased significantly。

At present, the world’s political and economic structure is facing in-depth adjustments, trade protectionism is on the rise, development instability and uncertain factors have increased, and technological innovation has become an important battlefield in the strategic game of major powers.

Pan Jiaofeng, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Research Institute of Science and Technology Strategy Consulting/Chairman of the China Development Strategy Research Association, stated in the special report “The Road Taken by Chinese Science and Technology Innovation”: After years of hard work, Chinese science and technology innovation has gone through a very Ordinary roads have become a pivotal world science and technology power, greatly shortening the gap with the world’s advanced level, and science and technology has become a key force supporting national development and ensuring national security. “In addition to formulating science and technology development guidelines and strategies in line with national conditions and establishing blueprints for science and technology innovation plans at different development stages, my country insists on taking innovation as the first driving force and guiding all parties in the society to continue to accelerate investment in science and technology.” Pan Jiaofeng said. “Looking back at the path our country has taken in technological innovation, we can neither arrogantly underestimate ourselves nor arrogantly respect ourselves.” Pan Jiaofeng believes that China is still in a period of promising strategic opportunities.

Zhou Yiren, Secretary-General of the Academic Committee of the National Information Center/Executive Dean of the China Regional Development Research Institute, stated in his speech “Accelerating the construction of a management system that meets the requirements of regional development strategies” that from the development of the western region in 1999 and the revitalization of the Northeast in 2003 to 2006 The rise of the central region in the year 2015 marked the shift of China’s regional development strategy from the “three major areas of east, middle, and west” to the “four major sectors” strategy of “first development in the east, development of the western region, revitalization of the northeast region, and rise of the central region”. Conversion. Secretary-General Zhou believes that the two core issues of regional coordinated development are: giving full play to regional comparative advantages and narrowing the gap in regional development. President Zhou suggested: 1. Speed up the research and formulation of a unified and standardized regional development level evaluation system; 2. Speed up the adjustment and improvement of national macro-regional policies; 3. Speed up the construction of a unified and efficient regional management mechanism; 4. Speed up the establishment and improvement A system of laws and regulations that promotes coordinated regional development.

Wang Yi, vice president of the Institute of Science and Technology Strategic Consulting of the Chinese Academy of Sciences/Vice Chairman of the China Development Strategy Research Association The three aspects of the systematic advancement of the company carried out a special report entitled “China’s Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development for 40 Years: Review and Prospect”.

Other report leaders and topics are:

Central Party School Zhou Weimin: market reform and high-quality development

Mei Xurong, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Director of the Rural Agricultural Strategy Committee: China’s rural science and technology reform and development and rural reform

Xu Heping, Former Director of the Research Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology/Chairman of the National Science and Technology Revitalization Urban Economy Research Association: The history and natural logic of China’s scientific and technological reform

Researcher of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences/Vice Chairman of China Development Strategy Research Association: Ju Jingwen: Review of 40 years of state-owned enterprise ownership reform

Li Zhengfeng, Associate Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Tsinghua University/Deputy Chairman of the China Development Strategy Research Association: Changes in the institutional basis of China’s science and technology innovation system: history, significance and challenges

Zhu Xudong, Dean of the School of Public Administration of Public Security University/Deputy Director of the Public Security Strategy Committee: Review of the development of Chinese community policing strategy and prospects for the new era

Since its establishment, the Human Health Organization has been concerned about the concept of full health in the space where humans live, including the environment, science and technology, economic development, agriculture and rural areas, etc., and also very concerned about China’s all-round development, hoping to contribute to China’s development. The purpose of the Human Health Organization: to make everyone living on the earth healthy. Its goal is to cooperate with the United Nations and various governments to better achieve sustainable development goals within the organizational structure of the United Nations; further relying on the United Nations, using the human health organization as the platform, and global health as the strategic guidance, to spread worldwide Health education, spreading health culture, advocating healthy lifestyle, promoting healthy products, let health accompany everyone on the earth, and let mankind have a healthy and bright future.











人类健康组织自成立以来一直关注人类所处空间的全健康概念,包括环境、科技、经济发展、农业农村等,也非常关注中国的全方位发展,希望为中国的发展尽一份力量。人类健康组织的宗旨:让每一个生活在地球上的人都健康。其目标是在联合国的组织架构内, 配合联合国及各国政府更好地完成可持续发展等目标;进一步以联合国为依托,以人类健康组织为平台,以全球健康为战略指导,在世界范围内普及健康教育,传播健康文化, 倡导健康生活方式,推广健康产品,让健康陪伴着地球上的每一个人, 让人类有一个健康光明的未来。

Plainview ( Beijing ) International Education Technology Co. Ltd. under the management of Mr. Chang and Mr. General Amrullah Nazari, our representative in the country and the government of Afghanistan and chairman of the Afghan People’s Solidarity.
Assembly signed a protocol in the form of investment and assistance to the people of Afghanistan.
Investments will be made in the construction of airports, settlements, universities, power plants with fuel waste , hospitals and hotels.
In this regard, humanitarian aid, including food and medicine, will be provided to the people of Afghanistan.
Mr. ٖGeneral Amrullah Nazari has held talks with senior Afghan, European and American figures to implement these projects.

Plainview International Education Group

Interview of General Nazari with the reporters of the International Marble Conference

Plainview International Education Group

Meeting of the Consul General of Afghanistan in the office of General Nazari

Plainview International Education Group

Mr. Farooqi Former Minister of Trade and Industries of Ofqan Mr. Ghorban Ali Haghjoo Chairman of Mr. Ofoqan Trade
Sanjar Senior Advisor to the President and Mr. General Nazari, President of the Marble Factories Association of Afghanistan

Plainview International Education Group

Meet with Mr. Frances Weidler
EU Representative in Afghanistan

Plainview International Education Group

Meet with Mr. Frances Weidler
EU Representative in Afghanistan

Plainview International Education Group

General Nazari, Chairman of the Afghan National Solidarity Council, met with former Afghan President Prof. Rabbani

Plainview International Education Group

Afghan National Solidarity Assembly Supports Dr. Ghatti in Presidential Election

Genaral-Nazari to afghanestan
Genaral-Nazari to afghanestan
Genaral-Nazari to afghanestan
Genaral-Nazari to afghanestan
Genaral-Nazari to afghanestan
Plainview International Education Group

Dr. Zarafshan, one of the managers of Plavin Company, met with General Nazari

General Nazari met with the President of the American Chamber of Industry, Mr. Dan Ritter

Plainview International Education Group
Plainview International Education Group

Today, 16.01.2021
Mr. Nazari with the Special Representative of the President Jalal Tamab Noorulhaq Olumi in relation to government affairs and the security of foreign guests to make large investments in the construction of the airport and the railway, subway and power plant from recycling as well as food supply And they met and talked about the grain and construction of large and modern super-specialized hospitals in the sections of highways and roads.
And he promised to work together to secure the investment of Plavin Holding in Afghanistan.
This investment will be a historic event for the people of Afghanistan. To be a prosperous country and a happy people, economic prosperity and job creation for millions of young people in Afghanistan.

Plainview International Education Group
Plainview International Education Group
Plainview International Education Group

Today, 31.01.2021
Mr. Nazari had an intimate meeting with the Governor of Kabul, Mr. Mohammad Yaqub Heydari, about the creation of a very smart network for water and sewage in the city, which is to be invested and implemented by Planio China. The governor of Kabul province hoped that they would not hesitate to cooperate in this regard and would do their best for the well-being of the people of this city to cooperate sincerely with the team of the general.

Director of the African Development Association participating and the UNESCO-MGIEP workshop on Peace and Sustainable development in Cape Town, South Africa January 2017.

Today, January 2017
Director of the African Development Association participating and the UNESCO-MGIEP workshop on Peace and Sustainable development in Cape Town, South Africa January 2017.

The Director of the African Development Association (A.D.A) at the 2010 ECOSOC Regular Session at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York city, U.S.A January 2010.

Today, January 2010
The Director of the African Development Association (A.D.A) at the 2010 ECOSOC Regular Session at the United Nations Head Quarters in New York city, U.S.A January 2010.

El-Nafenda Luma representing the African Development Association (A.D.A) at the UN Sustainable Energy for all Forum in Lisbon Portugal May 2018.

Today, May 2018
El-Nafenda Luma representing the African Development Association (A.D.A) at the UN Sustainable Energy for all Forum in Lisbon Portugal May 2018.

African Development Association's (A.D.A) on a Human rights tour in Morocco in 2015.

African Development Association’s (A.D.A) on a Human rights tour in Morocco in 2015.

African Development Association's (A.D.A) on a Human rights tour in WESTERN SAHARA in 2015.

African Development Association’s (A.D.A) on a Human rights tour in WESTERN SAHARA in 2015.

Dr. Jin Yu

Dr. Jin Yu,  
Double Ph.D. in ecology and economic management from Michigan State University. Advisor to two Prime ministers (Wen, Li) and National Policy Center researcher of the State Council. Published many works such as “Ecological Economy” (articles). The first “negative carbon economy” system and its technically supported regeneration project. Participated in presiding over the top-level design and basic-level pilot projects of urbanization and large-scale agriculture, large-scale environmental protection, large-scale pension and green energy, and green buildings, and created the agricultural 5.0 green valley economic model. National Development and Reform Commission and China Investment Association urbanization experts, Green Valley Cluster CSO, independent directors, chief consultants, top-level designer of many state-owned, private enterprises such as China Supply, Marketing and Foreign Trade, and several local governments’ economic consultants. Participate in the top-level design and basic-level pilot projects of the central large-scale agriculture, environmental protection, old-age care, and well-being, and devote into the incubation of urban residents and their characteristic towns. He is also the vice chairman of the China Youth Doctors Union and the mayor of Wanbo Town, the officer of the Doctoral Group of the European and American Student Association, the chief planner of the National Health and Medical Care Working Committee, the chief expert of the National County Economic Expert Committee, the technology consultant of the China Love Foundation, China Green Construction Project (NSFOCUS) Distinguished expert, expert committee member of China International Ecological Industry Research Institute. Chief Architect and Chairman of the Ecological Industry Committee of the US-China Economic and Trade Promotion Association, and the original director of the Green Valley (Qingdao) Agricultural Professional Cooperative.


Mr. Zhang Xiaoming

Director of Eco-Health Business Development Department

Mr. Zhang Xiaoming (penname Zhang Hongming), male, Han nationality, MBA, associate professor (senior lecturer), senior economist, Tianjin University master tutor (appointed in 2007), American registered project manager (PMP®), Chinese registered senior human resource management Shi, was born on February 21, 1958 in Daxian County, Sichuan Province. He graduated from the Department of Philosophy of Sichuan University in 1982 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and was assigned to work in Beijing; from June 1998 to July 2001, he received an MBA education from Renmin University of China.

Mr. Zhang Xiaoming has successively served as a teacher of training center, director of teaching and research section, director of educational affairs office, deputy principal (deputy director of training center, in charge of teaching), deputy director of human resources department of the group in large-scale construction company China Construction First Bureau Group and real estate company China Overseas Group. Manager and Director of the Education Department, Deputy Director of the Office, Deputy General Manager of the Market Development Department, Manager of the Public Relations Department and other departments, and also served as the general manager of an independent unit under the China Construction First Bureau Group; later transferred to CITIC Construction Work, responsible for performance management (the annual performance goals of each department are discussed by the general manager of the company and then the company’s general manager office will determine and sign the target responsibility letter with each department); also served as a

生态健康事业发展部主任  张效铭 

张效铭(笔名张洪铭)先生,男,汉族,MBA,副教授(高级讲师)、高级经济师、天津大学硕士生导师(2007年聘)、美国注册项目管理师(PMP®)、中国注册高级人力资源管理师,1958年2月21日出生于四川省达县。1982年于四川大学哲学系毕业,获哲学学士学位,同时被分配到北京工作;1998年6月至2001年7月,接受中国人民大学 MBA 教育。





Mr. Wang Xiaolong

Director of Power Business Department Mr. Wang Xiaolong,  Chairman of Jiuxin Power

Jiuxin Power is a professional service company that has been committed to the training and talent transfer of electric power technology talents. The company has independent training materials and excellent teachers, and cooperates with major power plants across the country. The students have strong practical ability, With a high level of technology, more than 600 students have been trained and placed in power plants for employment, and 100% graduated employment has been achieved. It has been highly recognized and praised by students’ parents and employers.

Shandong Haihui Jiuxin Electric Power Technology Co., Ltd. started social training in Jinan in 2010, moved to Weifang Education and Training Base for short-term training in 2017, and is currently conducting school-enterprise co-construction in Weifang Beihai Advanced Technical School, and now in Weifang The business school, Weifang Technician College, and Shandong Industrial Technician College plan to carry out joint school-running and co-construction to carry out school-enterprise cooperation in running schools, and jointly build electrical automation, mechatronics, thermal energy and power engineering.

High school starting point, 3 years, junior high school starting point, 3+2 years.

电力事业部主任   王小龙先生   九鑫电力的董事长




Attention :  Ms. Sogra Sohrabisn

Hello, for public information, as of 01 November 2022,

Ms. Sogra Sohrabian is not a representative of this company, and the group does not cooperate with her. If he abuses the issued order or reveals the secrets of the collection, he will be prosecuted through the managers of this company and the Interpol police.

Merhaba, kamuoyunun bilgisine sunmak amacıyla, 01 November 2022 tarihi itibariyle Bayan Sogra Sohrabian bu şirketin bir temsilcisi değildir ve grup onunla işbirliği yapmamaktadır. Verilen emri kötüye kullanırsa veya koleksiyonun sırlarını ifşa ederse, bu şirketin yöneticileri ve Interpol polisi aracılığıyla yargılanacak.


Attention :    Dr. Roohollah Ahmadzadeh Kermani

Hello, We would like to inform the public that we are announcing the following with this person following the joint venture No. 1/15/2022 / JV / 786/700.
From this date on, he has not had any position, relationship, representatives or cooperation with this company.
And Joint Venture No. 1/15/2022 / JV / 786/700 is invalid.
If the joint venture is misused, it will be prosecuted by Interpol and the FBI.

Attention :    Mr. SOLEYMAN HIVEHCHI

Has no activity or position since November 9, 2021 in PIEG company and this person’s representation in the company is void.

自 2021 年 11 月 9 日起在 PIEG 公司沒有活動或職位,此人在公司的代表無效。


Attention :    Mr. Semih Türkoglu

Has no activity or position since may 17, 2022 in PIEG company and this person’s representation in the company is void.

自 2022 年 5 月 17 日起在 PIEG 公司没有任何活动或职位,此人在公司的代表无效。

Mr. Semih Türkoglu

Attention :    Mr. MehdiI Tahafchi

As of May 17, 2022, he has not had any business or economic activity or position in PIEG Company and his representation in the company is void. And any abuse through Interpol is prosecuted.

截至 2022 年 5 月 17 日,他在 PIEG 公司没有任何商业或经济活动或职位,他在公司的代表无效。 任何通过国际刑警组织滥用职权的行为都会受到起诉

Dr-MehdiI Tahafchi